
Thursday 21 October 2010

The End of Culture?

Good God, what will happen to the people of this country?

Is this the end of the arts culture too, with the cuts devastating the funding pots of Arts Councils up and down the country?

As a former volunteer Youth/Arts Worker, I understand (from a volunteer prospective) the strain local councils are under (already), to keep organisations alive and kicking which provide vital support to local communities. Youth schemes and community projects are in place to improve the areas affected by poverty, crime and unemployment. Without these schemes what will these young people have to strive for?

What are the long-term repercussions of these cuts, which have been made so 'carefully' by the Conservative government?

From the BBC

Communities and Local Government

Annual budget: £33.6bn
What's being cut: Local Government - current spending down 27%; capital spending down 100%: Communities - current spending down 51%; capital spending down 74%
Councils will see a 7.1% annual fall in their budgets. But ring-fencing of local authority revenue grants will end and councils will have freedom to borrow against their assets. Funding for social housing to be cut by more than 60%, with new tenants having to pay higher rents. But the government hopes these changes will free up funds to build 150,000 new affordable homes over the next four years."

Culture, Media and Sport

Annual budget: £2bn
What's being cut: Current spending down 24%; capital spending down 32%
Administration costs to be cut 41% while core arts programmes will see a 15% fall in funding. Free museum entry to remain in place. BBC licence fee to be frozen for next six years. Corporation will also fund World Service and BBC Monitoring. Adds up to equivalent of 16% savings over the period.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Granny Got a Mobile and Didn't Get Killed by the Hitch-Hiker

Welcome to my blog!

I have finally decided to join the online world (aside from Facebook, which doesn't really count)! All the cool kids are doing it, so I accepted I must evolve with the rest of the world.

For years I approached technology, like an old granny with a mobile phone "it's too complicated for me; I don't need it!" What happens when granny runs out of petrol on a country lane (on a dark misty night) and needs to call someone, to save herself from the killer 'hitch-hiker'? YOU NEED A PHONE GRANNY!

For someone merely born in the seventies and not of that actual age, I have no excuse at all...


Monday 18 October 2010

Hell: The Dark Side of Life

Reflections on Hell 2010
This collection was inspired by my intense fascination of the world, the human mind and the infliction of pain upon the creatures that wonder the planet. Inside the micro-universe of our minds, we have the ability to be consumed with anger, enveloped in tranquility, tormented by pain or overcome with happiness.

"If we long to believe that the stars rise and fall for us,
that we are the reason there is a universe, does science
do us a disservice in deflating our conceits?" - Carl Sagan

"There's a pang in all rejoicing, And a joy in the heart of pain; And the wind that saddens, the sea that gladdens, Are singing the selfsame strain." - Bayard Taylor

"For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love." - Carl Sagan

"Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other."
Laurence Sterne

"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were.
But without it we go nowhere." - Carl Sagan


Raging Bull 2010

My pieces evolved from playing around with oil paint, using white-spirit to create a layered effect when the oil had dried. I abandoned the use of oil following this collection (for a while), as my impatience and love of immediate gratification was no marriage for something that requires patience and time

Max da Silva

Pencil Sketches of Jimi Hendrix 2009

Jimi Hendrix Pencil on Paper 2009
Jimi Hendrix and Girls Pencil on Paper 2009